[Now on sale] pure life diary 2023 (January 2023 start date)
January – December 2023
Writing example guidebook (16 pages)
・Online seminar to help you get started
・Monthly workshops for 1 year
・Video commentary site
・Group work sessions at the end of every weekend and month
・LINE group to share your usage
・Offline meeting get-together opportunities
Price:3,980yen (tax & shipping included)
Product details
- Set of 4 items: pure life diary (January – December 2023), transparent cover protector, writing example guidebook, and message card.
- Size: A5
- Approximate dimensions: 21 cm (L) X 15.4 cm (W) X 1.3 cm (THK)
- Page count: 320 pages
- Includes 3 ribbon bookmarks
- Binding: 180-degree, snap-open, thread-bound binding
pure life check diagnosis
Values Work
Strengths Work
100 strengths list by category
Emotional Work when you feel unsettled
pure life circle
“Letting go” Work
2023 Reflection Work
Annual calendar (2023 and 2024)
Monthly pages
Daily pages
Memo pages (8 in total)
Includes 4 pages each covering the pure life check diagnosis and pure life circle.
We’ve taken the feedback from our users into consideration and have made improvements in more than 40 places from the 2022 edition.
Message from the developers
We’re Heisuke Motohashi and Yukari Inoue.
Thanks for your interest in pure life diary 2023. We hope you are looking forward to the journey.
Thanks to all the users of pure life diary 2022. From feedback we’ve been able to reshape some parts for the 2023 edition.
We created the journal with the idea that the most important thing is to gradually change into the person you want to be now, and the person you want to become in the future. For the 2023 edition, we’ve made the contents better, but lighter, thinner and easier to carry than the previous year. The price is lower, too!
We’ve changed the contents and paper for 2023, so you may find the paper a bit thinner than the 2022 edition. We’ve put together a blog post about the contents and details of the 2023 edition with images, which we hope you’ll find useful.Click here for the blog post →
We would like to continue changing and improving the pure life diary, taking your requests and feedback into consideration. To this end, we thank you for your continued support.
We have been fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Discover 21, a publisher that also produces and sells organizers and notebooks.
Starting 23 September, pure life diary 2023 will be in stores nationwide!
If you would like to see the actual diary and pick up a copy, please visit the store closest to you.

Not “TO DO” thinking.
Instead, be kind to yourself with “TO BE” thinking.
STEP.1Revealing my pure life
- At the end of the day, write down how you felt during the day
- Facing your honest emotions with Emotional Work
- Time to cultivate and use all five senses
- Put into words what you value in Values Work.
STEP.2Forming the image of my pure life
- Work on recognizing your strengths to foster a sense of “I feel like I can do it”.
- Outline who you want to be in the pure life circle
- Decide what not to do with the “Letting go” Work.
STEP.3Bringing forth my pure life into your daily consciousness
- Set a monthly theme on your monthly page and look back at it at the end of each month.
- Set a pure life pin and raise your awareness of what’s important.
Revealing my pure life

At the end of the day, write down how you felt during the day
If you don’t have an idea of who or what you want to be, if you don’t know what you really feel, or if you have trouble expressing your true feelings, start by putting into words what you feel in your everyday life.

Put into words what you value in your Values Work.
You will uncover my pure life by answering over 40 questions in 8 areas. Values are like a compass that guides you in the direction of your life. By regularly verbalizing your values, you will be less likely to get caught up in common sense and assumptions about what you “should” and “shouldn’t” do.

Facing your honest emotions with Emotional Work
Happiness, enjoyment, sadness, anger… We feel various emotions every day. When you feel depressed or unsettled, try to accept your feelings as they are and write them down in your work to dig deeper into your feelings. You may be able to find your true feelings and desires hidden behind your emotions.

Time to cultivate and use all five senses
Sensitivity means “the movement of the mind when we see or hear something”. When you stimulate your five senses during the time of cultivating your sensitivity, you can bring your awareness back to “what I feel” and “how I feel”. Let’s enjoy the process of developing your senses.
Forming the image of my pure life

Work on recognizing your strengths to foster a sense of “I feel like I can do it”.
Strengths are your vehicle for becoming the person you want to be. Everyone has some kind of strength. Let’s work on recognizing your own strengths while also referring to the “pure life diary 100 original strengths list” included in the journal.

Outline the person you want to be in the pure life circle
Based on Step 1, write down what you want to be in each of the 8 areas. Since each person has his or her own field of focus, the amount of writing may vary, and you don’t have to write too much.

Decide what not to do with the “Letting go” Work.
Think about what is not necessary or not a priority to achieve what you wrote in the pure life circle and let go of it, even if it is little by little. When you are conscious of letting go, you will have more space in your time and mind, and you will be able to spend your time on what is really important to you.
Bringing forth my pure life into your daily consciousness

Set a monthly theme on the monthly page and look back at it at the end of each month.
In order to loosen your “TO DO” thinking and spend time with “TO BE” thinking, decide the theme of sensitivity, things to let go of, goals, and things to do at the beginning of each month. Also, by reading the monthly page regularly and making time for reflection at the end of the month, you can raise your awareness of important things that you tend to forget over and over again.

Set a pure life pin and raise your awareness of what’s important.
The awareness and actions to realize the pure life circle is called the pure life pin. We tend to get caught up in what we have to do that’s right in front of us. Let’s make a habit of setting a pure life pin every day and focusing on what is really important.
A support system that leaves nobody behind
Once you purchase the diary, all of these become available without additional charge:
- Support until self-directed use and continuity are achieved.
- Because there is a community of users working at the same time, you’re more likely to keep going.
- You can ask for help when you need it.
How-to-use seminar for new users
We will be holding an online seminar to teach you about the pure life diary and what to do in order to be ready to go at the start of 2023. Let’s get ready for 2023 together!
Explanatory video site with helpful content
From time to time, we will release videos and archived videos of events that include the concepts of the journal work and how to make your journal-keeping a habit. You can watch the content that’s most of interest to you whenever you want.
Monthly workshops
We hold monthly Q&A sessions where the developers answer questions and give advice about pure life diary and online seminars about psychology and neuroscience. You don’t need to turn your camera on, so feel free to join!
Weekly and monthly group work sessions at the end of each week and month
Each time we get together online for 30-60 minutes to spend time together with our journals. This is a regular event that has been well-received, with participants providing feedback such as, “It’s an important time to reflect,” and, “I can focus more on the work in the journal.”
Share your writing in the LINE group
This is a free-participation forum where users share with each other the important things they want to be aware of that day and exchange information on how they write in their diaries. You can join the forum without disclosing your ID or your real name.
Offline get-togethers to interact with the developers and other users
The developers of pure life diary go to meet users all over Japan and connect with them over lunch and tea. In 2022, these events have been held in Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka, and Tokyo as of July.
© 2022 feppiness inc.